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Peters Township Boys Youth Lacrosse Association


Peters Township Boys  Youth Lacrosse  Association (PTBYLA) BYLAWS 
Peters Township Boys Youth Lacrosse Association
These Bylaws constitute the code of rules adopted by the Peters Township Boys Youth Lacrosse Association for the regulation and management of its affairs.
This organization shall be known as the Peters Township Boys Youth Lacrosse Association; hereinafter also referred to as the PTBYLA.
The PTBYLA and the Lacrosse teams supported by it shall be affiliated with a league or leagues which best provide a level of competition commensurate with the team or teams ability to favorably compete. The league affiliation should reflect the values of the Peters Township Community along with the Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department and School District in relationship to surrounding Lacrosse programs participating in Boys Youth and Middle School Lacrosse leagues.
The PTBYLA shall be operated as a not for profit or non profit organization.  It shall formally organize as such according to the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of the federal, state or local code to ensure favorable tax status if deemed necessary by the Executive Board of the PTBYLA.  No part of the PTBYLA's funds, assets or earning shall inure to the benefit of or be distributed to any member, officer or other person except to which that the PTBYLA shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for coaching staff services rendered and other seasonal expenses as incurred.  Accordingly, all PTBYLA funds and assets shall be used for the sole purpose of the players, team or teams.
The PTBYLA strongly advocates adherence to the Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department's statement of their philosophies and goals for youth sport programs including Youth Exemplifying Sports (Y.E.S), Character Counts, Sportsmanship Pledge, Guidelines for Enforcement of the Sportsmanship Pledge and all other initiatives as directed by the Peters Township Parks and Recreation Board and Department.
Accordingly, objectives of the PTBYLA shall include the following:
A. To foster, support and promote the ideals of good sportsmanship and healthy competition in a safe environment while encouraging positive citizenship and camaraderie among its Lacrosse team(s), B. To unite members in the PTBYLA desiring to advance the growth of Boys Lacrosse in the Peters Township community via organization, development, operation and administration of said Association, and to provide financial assistance to fire Lacrosse teams(s), C. Raising the awareness of Boys Lacrosse via the Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department and Board, the Peters Township School District and the Peters Township Community. D. To develop and promote a positive working relationship with all appropriate Peters Township entities in securing the necessary applications and permits surrounding utilization of township and school district facilities for Lacrosse practices, scrimmages, games and other related activities, E. To provide capable and knowledgeable coaching personnel of sound moral character instructing skill development, teamwork and sportsmanship to all player members.  Coaching staff shall strive to provide a fun filled and positive experience for all player participants, F. To make all reasonable attempts at ensuring virtual equal playing time for all participants during regularly scheduled season games assuming participants have displayed sportsmanship, respect of staff and teammates and have consistently attended all practices prior to seasonal game. This objective is not applicable in the event of pre or post season tournament participation or other highly competitive events.
A. The PTBYLA shall be governed by and comprised of no greater than eleven (11) adult members in good standing hereafter referred to as Officers, Board or Executive Board. These named individuals shall collectively be known as the Peters Township Boys Youth Lacrosse Association Executive Board.  Adult members in good standing may serve in multiple Executive Board capacities in the event of a death, disability or resignation of a current Board member prior to term expiration.  Executive Board titles and capacities shall include:
• President • Vice President • Treasurer • Secretary • Team Counsel • At Large Members (maximum of 11 total)
B. All officer(s) shall have one (1) vote per Executive Board position on all matters subject to the PTBYLA and Executive Board decision making.  In the event of a tie or "dead-lock" surrounding an Executive Board voting decision, the Executive Board President shall cast a second vote- which will serve as the deciding tie breaker. C. The term of the Officers shall be one (1) year. Officers may stand for re- election with no limit surrounding consecutive re-election. D. Nomination or election of PTBYLA Officers will be available only to those adult members in good standing.  E. The PTBYLA shall be governed by the Executive Board which shall have full power to direct the affairs of the Association, run the day to day operations, and implement directives. F. The PTBYLA shall, in addition to the other powers and obligations prescribed in these By-Laws, have the following obligations, powers and authority: •  Recommending and create standing committees, •  Creating, reviewing and approving the tentative annual budget, •  Selecting an auditing committee of three (3) adult members in good standing or contracting with an independent certified public accountant to audit the financial affairs of the PTBYLA in the event of the resignation of the Treasurer prior to the expiration of his or her term.  This measure will only be enacted where fiscal irresponsibility is alleged to exist with substantial material evidence of alleged fiscal wrongdoing, •  Serving as the selection committee for select team coach(es) and team composition. •  Resolving any conflict, grievance or allegation that was brought forth before Team Counsel that remains undetermined or unresolved, •  Perform an in-depth investigation surrounding circumstances that may ultimately lead to the suspension or banishment of an adult member in good standing.  Investigation(s) should include material evidence, interviews, written correspondence and other documentation that may be utilized towards rendering a decision.  A majority vote of all existing Executive Board Officers shall be required surrounding banishment or suspension of an adult member in good standing.
The President shall:
A. Preside at all membership meetings of the PTBYLA and its Executive Board meetings. B. Sign, in addition to, or in place of the Treasurer all orders on the treasury of the Association. C. Interpret the meaning of the Bylaws with such interpretations subject to the review by the collective Executive Board. D. Perform such other duties as may be required or prescribed in the Bylaws or assigned by the PTBYLA Executive Board, League, District or School Board. E. Coordinate the work of the Officers and Committees of the PTBYLA in order that objectives be facilitated. F. In collaboration with other Board Members, coordinate and schedule all games, scrimmages and tournaments for player participation, unless otherwise reassigned to other Board member(s) or a committee.
The Vice President shall:
A. Preside in the absence of the President at all PTBYLA membership and Executive Board meetings.  In the event that the office of the President shall become vacant during the elected term, said office will accede to the Presidency for the remainder of the term including voting privilege. B. Serve as an aide to the President as deemed necessary, surrounding all PTBYLA affairs.
The Secretary shall: A. Take an accurate written attendance of all individuals present in all PTBYLA membership or Executive Board meetings, B. Record the minutes of all meetings in widen form, C. Provide a written account of most recent previous membership or Executive Board meetings in order to review, make available to membership and forward to Parks and Recreation Department Director as required, D. Have charge of and preserve all documentation, minutes, correspondence and transcripts or other important effects surrounding all PTBYLA adult membership meetings in addition to all Executive Board meetings, E. At the conclusion of the Secretary's final term in office, provide originals or copies of all above referenced to the newly elected Secretary or President.
The Team Counsel shall: A. Act as an advisor to the other Executive Board members and PTBYLA in areas concerning Parent / Coach conflict(s), Player / Coach conflict(s), discipline issues or other related matters that he or she deems appropriate and of interest to the Executive Board and the PTBYLA. B. Immediately attempt to address conflict at hand providing appropriate input and solution. C. Where Team Counsel deems conflict is not immediately resolvable, shall provide Executive Board with an in-depth accounting of the conflict including but not limited to conversation(s), documentation, and all other investigative information for consideration by, and final disposition as determined by, the Executive Board.

The Treasurer shall: A. Maintain a checking account in the name of the PTBYLA. B. Have custody of all funds of the PTBYLA. C. Make deposits to said PTYBLA checking account. D. Collect and keep a comprehensive and accurate record of all income and expenditures attributable to the PTBYLA. E. Pay out funds only as authorized by the President or Executive Board, F. Present a brief verbal statement of finance at all Executive Board meetings. G. Present to the PTBYLA an annual financial report and proposed season budget with assistance from other Board Members or Budget Committee. H. Make all matters of the Treasury available to the Executive Board no less than annually for purposes of audit.
Member(s) at Large shall serve in various capacity(ies) as listed below.  Most necessary capacities, affairs and business will be determined and agreed upon, in conjunction with other Executive Board Officers, prior to, during and at the conclusion of said season.  Duties and responsibilities shall include, but shall not be limited to: A. Serving in various capacity(ies) deemed most necessary in the creation of, assisting or implementation concerning the affairs and business of the PTBYLA.   B. One or more member being appointed and serving as the "DOCUMENTATION COORDINATOR" or FACILITATOR in conjunction with those duties and responsibilities as outlined via the Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department.  Said Officer will be responsible annually for the collection of and forwarding PTBYLA seasonal Insurance Certification, End of Year Financial Report, Proposed/Approved Budget, copy of Bylaws, Officer Election results, team rosters, coaches and officer background checks, practice schedules, game schedules, tournament schedules, participation numbers, meeting agenda's, meeting minutes and any/other pertinent information as requested via the Parks and Recreation Board. C. One or more member being appointed and serving as, the "WEBMASTER”; being responsible annually for maintaining the PTBYLA public website (
A. An annual Voting General Assembly meeting (Voting General Assembly Meeting) shall be held in the month of June for the primary purpose of electing new Executive Board members.  Board member terms shall run from July 1 of the current year through, and including, June 30 of the subsequent year.
B. Public Notice of the Voting General Assembly Meeting shall be provided at least forty-five (45) days’ prior to said meeting and Notice shall be provided to PTBYLA current members in good standing through email, text message, or posting on the pubic PTBYLA website; wherein the purpose and date of the Voting General Assembly Meeting shall be clearly communicated. C. Current PTBYLA adult members in good standing, including existing Officers, shall have the opportunity to nominate candidates for Executive Board positions by communicating to the current Officers through email or direct communication (including oral or written communication) nominations of candidates for Board Member positions.  Said nominations must be made at least thirty (30) days prior to the Voting General Assembly Meeting, with no limit to the number of nominations.   D. Nominations shall be posted on the PTBYLA website at least fifteen (15) days prior to the Voting General Assembly Meeting. E. Nominated individuals need not be present but must indicate their approval of nomination prior to the voting meeting in written form to the Secretary. F. The offices of the PTBYLA Executive Board shall be elected at the Voting General Assembly Meeting.  Voting is permissible via electronic voting due to COVID county government restrictions and social distancing guidelines. All officers must be elected by a majority vote of collected votes of adult members in good standing and assume their duties effective July 1 of the current year. G. Any vacancy occurring in any office may be filled for the remainder of the term by any adult member in good standing by the majority vote of the members of the Executive Board. H. The PTBYLA Executive Board positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Team Counsel can only be assumed by members in good standing who are currently serving on the PTBYLA Board and have served for a MINIMUM of (1) one year on said Board. 12/1/21 - Executive Board voted to temporarily (one time) suspend the rule of service on the board for a minimum of 1 year for the office of treasurer due to not having enough returning members of the board to fill the position. Rule was temporarily suspended via uninamous board vote. 
A. General Assembly and / or Executive Board meetings will be scheduled at the discretion of the President.  A minimum of one (1) General Assembly meeting must be conducted prior commencement of the Spring season.  Additional General Assembly meetings and / or meetings of the Executive Board may be conducted throughout the season as deemed necessary by the President.  Only business for which the General Assembly or Executive Board meeting(s) was called may be conducted during said meeting(s). B. No General Assembly meeting will be recognized as official unless quorums of PTBYLA adult members in good standing are present.  A quorum shall consist of fifteen (15%) percent or more of said adult members in good standing, C. No Executive Board meeting will be recognized as official unless a quorum of Executive Board members are present.  A quorum for Executive Board Meetings shall consist of at least (40%) percent or more of said Executive Board members.
 D. The Order of Business shall be in general accordance with the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order.

A. The Executive Board or President may create such standing committees as they may deem necessary to realize the objectives of the PTBYLA. All standing committees will have an appointed Chairperson who will submit a plan of work to the Executive Board or President concerning designated undertaking. Chairperson will be an' adult member in good standing with the PTBYLA. Said Chairperson will also outline and provide the Executive Board or President with any additional adult members in good standing who will be involved in the undertaking of said committee.
B. Standing committees may include but are not limited to the following:
1. Publicity 2. Awards Picnic 3. Player Registration 4. Concession Stand product purchases 5. Concession Stand parent assignments 6. Game Day parent assignments surrounding Public Address, Scoreboard, End Zone ("ender") duties and other 7. Fund Raising 8. Uniform and equipment 9. Spirit Wear 10. Individual and Team Photography 11. Pre and Post season tournaments 12. Preseason indoor participation 13. Website 14. Transportation 15. Game Day Scheduling
Section 1. Player Membership in Good Standing
A. Player membership in good standing within the PTBYLA shall be subject to, and conditioned on acceptance of and adherence to the PTBYLA rules and regulations as prescribed in said By-Laws. Player participants will be required to pay an annual participation fee as determined by the Executive Board.  Assessment of participation fee may be inconsistent for participating player members. Participation fee reduction or waiver may be considered for any participant resulting from severe financial family hardship. Consideration for reduced or waived annual participation fee should be communicated directly to the President.  Request for annual participation fee reduction or waiver will be held in the strictest confidence.
B. Player participation is a privilege which allows for participant losing membership in good standing in the event that the annual participation fee is not received and paid in full by the established dates as set forth by the PTBYLA. Additional grounds for loss of membership in good standing may include student-athlete not maintaining levels of academic achievement as outlined via the Peters Township School District and/or adherence to student code of conduct as outlined in the most revised edition of the Peters Township Student Handbook. Loss of membership in good standing may result in suspended or terminated participation in practices, scrimmages, games, tournaments and pre/post season competitions. Additional loss of membership in good standing may result from participant behavior contrary to that outlined per the most recent edition of the National Federation of State High School Associations - Boys Lacrosse rules, the Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department Code of Conduct, rules of sportsmanship applicable to Youth Exemplifying Sports (Y.E.S) or other well established rules of sportsmanship.
C. Players in good standing will have no voting privileges in any PTBYLA voting issues.
D. Players in good standing must maintain residency in accordance with those established requirements as prescribed by the Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department.
E. Players in good standing will be required to have an annual physical examination by a licensed medical physician prior to the established date of completion as outlined by the PTBYLA.  Player's parent or legal guardian will, upon request from the Board, provide written certification by medical physician stating that the player's health and overall physical condition is satisfactory for participation in the sport of Lacrosse.  Additionally, prior to player participation, player's parent or legal guardian will be required to provide completed forms and authorization surrounding all established forms required for participation via the PTBYLA, Peters Township School District or Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department.
F. Parent or legal guardian of player in good standing will be responsible for all costs associated with medical-physical examination.
Section 2. Adult membership in Good Standing
A. Adult membership in good standing within the PTBYLA shall be subject to, and conditioned upon, acceptance and adherence to the PTBYLA rules and regulations as outlined in the By-Laws. Adult members must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. Adult members will typically be the legal guardian of or a parent to a participating player, or past participating player.  However, any adult individual demonstrating interest and a willingness in subscribing to and compliant to the purposes and objectives as outlined in the PTBYLA Bylaws, or who currently or previously has held office in the PTBYLA will be considered for membership in good standing. All referenced members in good standing will be eligible to be nominated and elected to an Executive Board Officer capacity.  Loss of adult membership in good standing may result from behavior contrary to that outlined per the PTBYLA Bylaws, per the Peters Township Parks and Recreation Parent Code of Conduct, rules on sportsmanship or proper spectator behavior as outlined via the Western Pennsylvania Youth Lacrosse Association (WPYLA), or those rules surrounding spectator behavior as outlined in the most recent edition of the National Federation of High School Associations Boys Lacrosse rule book. Loss of adult membership in good standing will preclude adult member from all voting privileges on PTBYLA issues.  Loss of adult membership in good standing will preclude adult member from pursuing nomination as an Executive Board Officer within the PTBYLA.  Loss of membership in good standing concerning a current Executive Board Officer will require immediate resignation of his or her position. Loss of adult membership in good standing will be communicated directly to the adult member via the PTBYLA Executive Board President or Board.
B. All adult members in good standing will be afforded the privilege of one (1) vote on all voting matters surrounding the PTBYLA.
A. A bank account in the name of the PTBYLA shall be established and maintained with all received monies deposited in a timely fashion to said account. All expenditures shall be evidenced by checks drawn thereupon said established account. B. The PTBYLA shall adopt a fiscal year that commences January 1 and concludes on December 31 unless otherwise unanimously agreed upon by the Executive Board or amendment to the Bylaws. C. Annual participation fees will be clearly established and set forth by the President, Executive Board or Budget Committee prior to the start of the season, D. If a player terminates participation for any reason prior to the first game of the established season, any participation fee paid will be reimbursed at a rate of 100% minus all costs incurred by the PTBYLA in reference to said player, i.e., insurance, preseason tournament expenses player participated in, pro rated indoor facility costs incurred, equipment costs specific to player, etc. Should participation termination occur any time after commencement of the first game of the established season, irrespective of player participation in said game, consideration of a partial reimbursement may occur at the sole discretion of the Executive Board dependent upon the conditions and circumstances surrounding said request for reimbursement.
A. Complainant to personally contact the Executive Board Team Counsel Officer no earlier than 24 hours after alleged incident, conversation, or action being grieved,

B. Complainant to provide Team Counsel with specific detail surrounding alleged incident, conversation, or action being grieved inclusive of any 3rd party or eyewitness accounting, (3rd party name(s)) will be required for this consideration).
C. Team Counsel will make every attempt to provide an immediate and viable resolution that is amenable to all concerned parties. In the event that any party involved in resolution recommendation via the Team Counsel is not satisfied, at the sole discretion of Team Counsel, Team Counsel will immediately notify all Officers of the Executive Board.
D. Executive Board will formally convene for the sole purpose of achieving an outcome to grievance. Prior to final determination, Executive Board may require direct input and testimony from complainant and any/all other individuals involved in dispute. Determination of outcome via the Executive Board shall be final and communicated directly to complainant and all involved individuals.
E. Team Counsel and/or the Executive Board will not address any anonymous correspondence or phone calls.
A. No player in good standing will be disallowed or "cut" from participation within the PTBYLA after proper registration other than for reasons as outlined in said ByLaws.
B. No player in good standing nor PTBYLA teams will be eligible to participate with or against High School participants during the regular season.
C. Teams will be established as deemed desirable and appropriate by the PTBYLA Executive Board.  Player selection will typically be age appropriate (as determined by the WPYLA guidelines) unless unusual skill or size, age, physical or mental impairment, handicap or extreme mitigating circumstances warrant consideration for alternate team selection not consistent with attained grade level. Player team participation will generally provide for players in good standing currently enrolled in grades four through eight, inclusive.  However, participation is based upon age, as determined by WPYLA.  Younger grade participation may be considered at the discretion of the Executive Board.
D. Player registration is via online registration only.  Player participation will be provided on a "first come - first serve" basis as outlined and provided via official online registration.  Team size and composition shall be based upon a number of factors, including registration numbers, coaching staff availability, field availability, and other factors.  Once designated team counts are full, subsequent registering players will be placed on a player waiting list in the order received by the online registration system.  Waiting list players will be afforded team registration in the order placed on said waiting list.  In any particular season, the Executive Board may determine that registration for a specific age group may not  
be available or may limit the number of teams in a specific age group.  Circumstances surrounding this decision would include coaching staff, field restrictions and other related issues.  
Section I – Selection
A. Any adult individual age eighteen (18) or older residing in the state of Pennsylvania shall be given consideration to coach within the PTBYLA.
B. All Head Coaches will be subject to the Parks & Recreation Department Background Check process.
C. Preference for Head Coaching selection will be afforded to individuals who have previous Lacrosse coaching experience and / or previous Lacrosse participation.
Section II. Duties and Responsibilities
A. All coaches will make every effort to ensure the safety and well-being of every participant at all times. B. All coaches will be expected to be present and punctual for all scheduled practices, scrimmages, games and other Lacrosse activities. C. All coaches will be held accountable for the conduct of himself assistant coaches and players. D. All Head Coaches will be expected to be certified in CPR and First Aid prior to commencement of season. E. All coaches will be expected to impart Lacrosse knowledge, training and skill development to players via recognized and accepted sporting methods of instruction, F. All coaches will be expected to encourage positive reinforcement and feedback as often as possible during the course of instruction and interactions. G. Head Coaches will be expected to attend all Executive Board meetings if so directed in addition to attending any pertinent affiliated league meetings in order to be properly informed in the understanding of league matters, dealings, requirements, etc. H. Head Coaches will take immediate positive actions surrounding any occurrence involving hazing, shunning or other unsportsmanlike gestures involving teammates. I. Head Coaches will make best efforts to ensure virtual equal playing time for all participants. J. Head Coaches will be responsible prior to commencement of their respective game to ensure that an Emergency Medical person is on site and located at the table area. Contests should not commence without said personnel properly recognized and seated. The Head Coach will ensure that communication is available prior to commencement of game. Additionally, the Head Coach is to maintain contact player information, specifically to contact player guardian or parent in event of emergency. Head Coach will ensure that competent timekeepers, scorekeepers or other appropriate table personnel are located at the table area prior to commencement of game. K. All coaches are encouraged to attend established Lacrosse seminars and clinics designed for the purpose of imparting positive coaching techniques and training, Lacrosse knowledge, transferable skill development techniques, and general coaching improvement, etc.. L. All coaches will be expected to adhere to and practice the ideals set forth in the Coaches Code of Ethics as outlined, in the most recent edition of the National Federation of State High School Associations Boys Lacrosse Rules Book, in addition to subscribing to the Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department Coaches Code of Conduct. M. All coaches will become familiar with and subscribe to the Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department Sportsmanship Pledge, the guidelines for enforcement of the Sportsmanship Pledge, and Philosophy of Youth Sports.
Section III. Dismissal of Coach
A. All PTBYLA Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches and coaching staff volunteers will be expected to comply with all duties and responsibilities as outlined in said By-Laws. Violation may result in warning, suspension both temporary or permanent or immediate and permanent dismissal from the PTBYLA.
A. These By-Laws may be amended at any regular General Assembly Association meeting by a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of all present adult members in good standing provided said meeting was communicated to General Assembly with intention of consideration for Bylaw amendment(s). Intention of consideration should be communicated thirty (30) days prior to motion for amendment.
B. These Bylaws may also be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Board whereby a quorum consisting of no less than 65% or greater of all elected Executive Board Officers must be present.
A. The PTBYLA shall purchase a general liability insurance policy providing coverage for participant legal liability, bodily injury and property damage, products completed operations, personal and advertising injury, fire legal liability and medical payments. Limits of liability on a per occurrence basis shall be established at a minimum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or that minimum amount mandated by the Peters Township School District and / or the Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department,  
B. An additional Directors and Officers Liability policy may be purchased at the sole discretion of the PTBYLA Executive Board if deemed necessary and appropriate.
A. In the case of dissolution of this Association, all remaining assets after payment of all authorized expenditures, outstanding invoices and liabilities shall be distributed at the sole discretion of the PTBYLA Executive Board to either the Peters Township Boys High School Lacrosse program and / or the Western Pennsylvania Youth Lacrosse Association in any percentages deemed appropriate by said Board,
B. As an alternative the above referenced, and at the sole discretion of the PTBYLA Executive Board, remaining assets may be disbursed to current adult members in good standing on an equal basis.
C. This Constitution and Bylaws is approved by the Peters Township Boys Youth and Middle School Lacrosse Association (PTBYLA) adult members in good standing this date and supersedes any and all previous PTBYLA Constitution and Bylaws inclusive of all previous amendments.
Affirmed and executed this date, Wednesday December 1, 2021 by unanimous vote of the 2021 Executive Board.  
Eric Moser – President Peters Township Boys Youth Lacrosse Association (PTBYLA)
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